My name is Suwardi. Currently I am working as a System Engineer in Fujitsu Indonesia. I am a maintenance engineer who responsible to solve customer's infrastructure problems related. I am enjoy my job and survive it.
I am familiar to Fujitsu hardware, Sun/Oracle hardware, Solaris and Linux OS, and infrastructure related thing. I do hardware and software installation for Fujitsu Sparc, Sun/Oracle Sparc and Solaris OS.
Previously I was work for Huawei Indonesia as OSS Engineer. I did job quit similat as in Fujitsu, but specified to OS and Huawei software.
I like drawing, it's my hobby. It's my dream to create a creativity things and sell it. I create an instagram account @wardi_lee to publish my creativity. Sport is my hobby too. I always do it minimum once a week to keep my healthy.
I always keep my motivation is always on for working, for hobby and for everything.