Make Own Mysql Query

Jun 12, 2012 2:08 PM

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| Do you like C language programming ?                            |
| With a simply mathematical method, row and coloum count so easy |
| to print out database fields !                                  |
| >> Modified at 26 October 2013                            |

Mysql query using C programming, here are the output sample :

wardi@darkstar:~/programming/c$ ./myquery 
query> show tables;
| Tables_in_smsd   |
| daemons          |
| debug_log        |
| gammu            |
| guided_sms       |

| inbox            |
| inbox_view       |
| outbox           |
| outbox_multipart |
| pbk              |
| pbk_groups       |
| phones           |
| sentitems        |
| sentitems_view   |
 13 rows returned
query> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| smsd               |
| test               |
7 rows returned
query> select * from daemons;
| Start | Info |
0 rows returned
query> select * from phones;
| ID | UpdatedInDB         | InsertIntoDB        | TimeOut             | Send | Receive | IMEI            | Client                                                 | Battery | Signal | Sent | Received |
|    | 2012-06-12 13:58:12 | 2012-06-12 09:44:08 | 2012-06-12 13:58:22 | yes  | yes     | 354056300814201 | Gammu 1.31.0, Windows Server 2007, GCC 4.6, MinGW 3.11 | 0       | 60     | 0    | 0        |
1 rows returned

Here the full source code :

 * myquery.c
 * Interactively mysql server query
 * I wrote it for fun, refreshing C programming
 * You must match you self this code 
 * about host, username, password, database name,
 * and mysql socket
 * Compile this code with GCC standar and mysql installed,
 * % cc myquery.c -o myquery -I /usr/include/mysql/ -lmysqlclient -std=c99
 * Author: Suwardi,
 * Mail:

#include &ltstdio.h&gt
#include &ltmysql.h&gt
#include &ltstdlib.h&gt
#include &ltstring.h&gt

MYSQL *conn;

MYSQL *do_connect (const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *,
      unsigned int, const char *, unsigned int);

static void do_query (MYSQL *, const char *);

static void print_error (MYSQL *, const char *);

static void print_dashes (MYSQL_RES *);

static void process_result (MYSQL *, MYSQL_RES *);

int main (void)
 const char  *host = "localhost";
 const char  *user = "wardi";
 const char  *pw   = "wardiabc123";
 const char *db   = "abc"; 
 const char  *socket="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock";
 if (do_connect (host, user, pw, db, 0, socket, 0) == NULL) {
  fprintf (stderr, "connect fail\n");
  exit (255);

 while (1) {
  char buf[1024];
  fprintf (stderr, "query> ");
  if (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), stdin) == NULL)
  do_query (conn, buf);
 return (0);

MYSQL *do_connect (const char *host, const char *user, const char *pw, 
    const char *db, unsigned int port, const char *socket, unsigned int flags)
 if ((conn = mysql_init (NULL)) == NULL) {
  print_error (conn, "mysql_init()");
  return NULL;

 if ((mysql_real_connect (conn, host, user, pw, db, 0, socket, 0)) == NULL) {
  print_error (conn, "mysql_real_connect() fail");
  return NULL;  

 return conn;

static void do_query (MYSQL *conn, const char *query) 
 MYSQL_RES *result;
 unsigned int field_count;

 if (mysql_query (conn, query) != 0) {
  print_error (conn, "process_query() fail");

 result = mysql_store_result (conn);
 if (result == NULL) {
  if (mysql_field_count (conn) > 0)
   print_error (conn, "problem processing result set");
   printf ("%lu rows affected\n", (unsigned long) mysql_affected_rows (conn));
  process_result (conn, result);
  mysql_free_result (result);

static void print_error (MYSQL *conn, const char *mesg)
 fprintf (stderr, "%s -> %u (%s)\n", mesg, mysql_errno (conn), mysql_error (conn));

static void print_dashes (MYSQL_RES *result)
 MYSQL_FIELD *field;
 unsigned int i, j;

  mysql_field_seek (result, 0);
  fputc ('+', stdout);
  for (i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields (result); i++) {
   field = mysql_fetch_field (result);
   for (j = 0; j < field->max_length + 2; j++)
    fputc ('-', stdout);
   fputc ('+', stdout);
  fputc ('\n', stdout);

static void process_result (MYSQL *conn, MYSQL_RES *result)
 MYSQL_FIELD *field;
 unsigned int i, col_len;

 /* column display width */
 mysql_field_seek (result, 0);
 for (i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields (result); i++) {
  field = mysql_fetch_field (result);
  col_len = strlen (field->name);
  if (col_len < field->max_length)
   col_len = field->max_length;
  if (col_len < 4 && !IS_NOT_NULL (field->flags))
   col_len = 4;
  field->max_length = col_len;

 print_dashes (result);
 fputc ('|', stdout);
 mysql_field_seek (result, 0);
 for (i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields (result); i++) {
  field = mysql_fetch_field (result);
  printf (" %-*s |", field->max_length, field->name);

 fputc ('\n', stdout);
 print_dashes (result);

 while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (result)) != NULL) {
  mysql_field_seek (result, 0);
  fputc ('|', stdout);
  for (i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields (result); i++) {
   field = mysql_fetch_field (result);
   if (row[i] == NULL)
    printf (" %-*s |", field->max_length, "NULL");
   else if (IS_NUM (field->type))
    printf (" %-*s |", field->max_length, row[i]);
    printf (" %-*s |", field->max_length, row[i]);
  fputc ('\n', stdout);

 print_dashes (result);
 printf ("%lu rows returned\n",
    (unsigned long) mysql_num_rows (result));

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