Create and join cluster on Cluster Data ONTAP

Jan 31, 2019 8:23 PM

Netapp is a powerfull storage coming with a lot of features. ONTAP is Netapp's proprietary operating system for storage disk array. ONTAP includes code from Berkeley Net/2 BSD Unix, Spinnaker Networks technology and other operating systems. ONTAP originally only supported NFS, but later added support for SMB, iSCSI and Fibre Channel Protocol (including Fibre Channel over Ethernet and FC-NVMe). 

In June 16, 2006, NetApp released two variants of Data ONTAP, namely Data ONTAP 7G and, with nearly a complete rewrite[1], Data ONTAP GX. Data ONTAP GX was based on grid technology acquired from Spinnaker Networks. In 2010 these software product lines merged into one OS - Data ONTAP 8, which folded Data ONTAP 7G onto the Data ONTAP GX cluster platform [source: Wikipedia]. 

ONTAP can be operated with web gui using Netapp System Manager and using Command Line Interface. Command line interface is the most interested interface in the computing world. You can manage, control and troubleshoot over command line. In this article, we will demonstrate the cluster creation and node join on this tutorial.

Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster Resource Group

Jun 6, 2016 11:35 AM

Bellow these steps for how to configure the resource group. About the resource group concept, you can read at Oracle documentation at

1. Register agent
    - Register HA Storage Plus Agent

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.HAStoragePlus

    - Register GDS Agent
    # clresourcetype register SUNW.gds

Removing ISCSI Connection

May 24, 2016 11:17 AM

Bellow the simply way to remove iscsi connection.

Check availability disks :

bash-3.2# echo | format
Searching for disks...

       0. c0d0 <▒x▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒@▒▒▒ cyl 6524 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
       1. c3t6589CFC0000005D031823E839C658847d0
Specify disk (enter its number): Specify disk (enter its number):

Connecting ISCSI bock device from Solaris

10:53 AM

.___ .________._______ .________.___
: __||    ___/:_.  ___\|    ___/: __|
| : ||___    \|  : |/\ |___    \| : |
|   ||       /|    /  \|       /|   |
|   ||__:___/ |. _____/|__:___/ |   |
|___|   :      :/         :     |___|

I have shared a 8 GB LUN as ISCSI block with ISCSI target is, I am using freenas. I am configured a freenas address at with default port 3260. For initiator, I am allow all initiator connection and all authorized network. There was no CHAP authentication for the ISCSI connection, so everyone can connect over network connection.

Setup Oracle Solaris Cluster (part2)

May 23, 2016 11:20 AM

_________ .____     ____ ___  _________________________________________ 
\_   ___ \|    |   |    |   \/   _____/\__    ___/\_   _____/\______   \
/    \  \/|    |   |    |   /\_____  \   |    |    |    __)_  |       _/
\     \___|    |___|    |  / /        \  |    |    |        \ |    |   \
 \______  /_______ \______/ /_______  /  |____|   /_______  / |____|_  /
        \/        \/                \/                    \/         \/ 

This document is only provide technically setup Oracle Solaris Cluster. The install planning, install preparation is not provided by this document. This tutorial was a continued part from previous setup (part1). This installation mode is interactively, there were a step by step configuring your cluster for all nodes. Typically, you must prepare the Cluster name, Cluster nodes, Cluster transport and adapter, quorum configuration and check.

How to install Oracle Solaris Cluster (part1)

May 22, 2016 9:44 AM

________                      .__          
\_____  \____________    ____ |  |   ____  
 /   |   \_  __ \__  \ _/ ___\|  | _/ __ \ 
/    |    \  | \// __ \\  \___|  |_\  ___/ 
\_______  /__|  (____  /\___  >____/\___>
        \/           \/     \/          \/ 

Install Oracle Solaris Cluster in simply way
Login to solaris box, then extract the source of the oracle solaris cluster. Installation beginning with execute installer file as bellow, and this is an interactive installation. I change color of my input selection with violet as bellow :

Working with Predictive Self Healing (PSH) Oracle & Fujitsu Sparc Enterprise Server

Apr 26, 2015 4:49 PM

.... .. ... +^""888h. ~"888h .x888888hx : .xHL 8X. ?8888X 8888f d88888888888hxx .-`8888hxxx~ '888x 8888X 8888~ 8" ... `"*8888%` .H8X `%888*" '88888 8888X "88x: ! " ` .xnxx. 888X ..x.. `8888 8888X X88x. X X .H8888888%: '8888k .x8888888x `*` 8888X '88888X X 'hn8888888*" ?8888X "88888X ~`...8888X "88888 X: `*88888%` ! ?8888X '88888 x8888888X. `%8" '8h.. `` ..x8 H8H %8888 `8888 '%"*8888888h. " `88888888888888f '888> 888" 8888 ~ 888888888!` '%8888888888*" "8` .8" .. 88* X888^""" ^"****""` ` x8888h. d*" `88f !""*888%~ 88 ! `" . "" '-....:~ # Working with Predictive Self Healing (PSH) on Oracle Sparc Enterprise Server # Suwardi - # @ 26/04/2015 16:49:00 # Copyright (C) Suwardi 2015 |-- 0x0 Background When we maintenance Sparc Enterprise Server for Oracle brand and Fujitsu brand with Solaris OS inside. We will face to a system problem and hardware problem. To indentify, analyzing and repair problems there was a Oracle facility in the devices. That facility is PSH, PSH is a command line facility which deal with system problems. It's very usefull and helpfull.

How To Mount Storage LUNs on Solaris and Linux

Apr 22, 2015 3:42 PM

  _________      .__               .__       
 /   _____/ ____ |  | _____ _______|__| ______
 \_____  \ /  _ \|  | \__  \\_  __ \  |/  ___/
 /        (  <_> )  |__/ __ \|  | \/  |\___ \
/_______  /\____/|____(____  /__|  |__/____  \
        \/                 \/              \/

# Simply Guide of LUN mounting on Solaris & Linux
# Suwardi ->
# @ 22/4/2015

0x00. Description

Nowdays storage devices are mandatory requirement for Enterprise environment. Using internal disks are limited depends on maximum of server configuration. Storage device with connected to a server, the server enable to add/use external disks. So, we can expand the storage utilization.

Matikanlah share folder saat berada di public wifi!!

Nov 11, 2014 6:48 PM

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Bagi anda yang selalu terkoneksi ke internet menggunakan wifi, mohonberhati-hati saat sharing dokumen, karena data anda bisa dilihat dan diambil orang tanpa anda sadari. Di dunia kerja, share data/file sudah biasa karena data anda juga sering dibutuhkan oleh rekan kerja yang lain. Di area kerja bisa bebas share file karena berada di Private Network (trusted area). Ketika laptop kerja yang anda pakai, anda gunakan untuk terkoneksi internet via wifi di tempat umum. Maka anda sudah masuk ke area yang tidak lagi Private/Trusted.

Artikel ini akan menjelaskan dan menggambarkan saat terkoneksi dengan wifi tanpa kita sadari ada folder/direktori anda yang dishare, kemudian file-file di folder anda bisa dipantau bahkan diambil secara ilegal. 

Walking through SMB Tracking

Feb 10, 2012 6:25 AM

When you connecting your computer to the public network like restaurant, cafe, airport, and etc. You have to be aware with your personal data. If you forgot to disable file sharing in your PC/notebook, your shared data are in a danger!!!, why???. It can be described from your notebook while it live in your office. While you powered on it machine in your office, it's not a problem to share anything data in a trusted network. Then, when you go to the public area and connecting your notebook to the public network arround you. Don't forget to disable your file share, except you have protected your share with some password. It's a general negligance in the world.

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